General Information
School Times 07:00-13:00
Please note the school times are 07:00-13:00. You are required to pick up your child between 13:00 and 13:30. We are giving parents 30 minutes of flexibility until 14:00. Please Note - We will be charging for aftercare as set out in the aftercare fee schedule from 14:00.
Breakfast will be a well-balance meal which will differ every day for example: fish fingers, pap and egg with gravy, Cereal, warm porridge, etc. with a drink.
School Holidays:
We will be close during school holidays.
Code of Ethics:
The principles and ideas of Montessori on the integrity and needs of children underpin all aspects of the school. Pupils, parents, and administrative staff strive to apply these same principles in their work and relationships with each other. All members are expected to act with integrity and dignity and to respect each other.
Code of Conduct:
For us to follow the Montessori method as well as possible we have instilled some ground rules. Ground rules protect the rights and liberty of each individual child and the group. They promote the internalization of good social behavior and values including self-control of impulses, considerations for others, and a sense of responsibility for oneself and the welfare of the group. Ground rules can help to make life at school easier, make the days run more smoothly, enable children to be more independent and help to develop responsibility. The numbers of ground rules are generally kept to a minimum stated and presented in a positive manner with the emphasis on safety, respect for others and the environment and the results benefit all members of the group.
Medical and Health Policy:
Please do not send your child/children to school if he/she/they has/have a high temperature, unexplained rash, or contagious condition. Please make sure that your child’s vaccinations are kept up to date. Should your child show any signs of illness whilst at the school, you will be notified immediately. Medicines must be clearly marked with the child’s name, and specific instructions need to be recorded on the medical administration form which is available from the class teacher.
Please note that due to the variety of religions we will have in the school, we have decided to cut out all religious activities and/or celebrations connected with religion ex. Easter, Christmas etc. We cannot cater for all and therefore will then cater for none by completely removing any types of religious activities.